Remote Learning 25/01/21

CBBC Lockdown Learning

If you need to have a little work break then please consider watching one of the educational programmes being shown on CBBC rather than playing on your tablet.

A timetable of the schedule has been attached (at the bottom of the page - CBBC Timetable) and the programmes that should be appropriate for, and of interest to, children in Year 1 and Year 2 are highlighted in yellow

Kirkby C of E School Challenges!

Please take part in the two whole school challenges that we are running at the moment.

Click here to read all about the art challenge.Send photographs of your drawings to Mr Tennant.

Click here to read about our 30 day reading challenge. Visit the Kirkby C of E homepage daily to find out what the challenge will be each day, starting today, Monday 25th January. Read as often as you can and don't forget to send in any photographs of you taking part to Mrs McCoombs.



 Maths - Recognise Equal Groups

Click here to watch the first White Rose Maths teaching video. 

Here are the questions to have a go at.


There’s a Polar Bear in the Fridge!

      Look at the picture carefully.

Think about these questions and answer them in your workbooks.

Remember there are no right or wrong answers.

  • Why is there a polar bear in the fridge?
  • How did it get there?
  • Where did it come from?
  • What food and drink does the polar bear like?
  • Why is it eating ice cream?

Challenge (write in full sentences)

  • Did the girl help it get in there or has she only just discovered it?
  • How will the girl’s family react? Do you think they will be angry?
  • Draw a picture of the girl’s face, what emotion is she showing? Happy, surprised, scared?
  • Give the picture a different title.



Our spelling rule this week is the 's' sound spelt 'c' before e,i and y

Have a look at the soft c powerpoint below to find out more.

Your spellings to learn for Friday are: 

race           dice

face            price

space         cell

ice              city

slice           fancy

Click here to play a game to help you segment each word and make it easier to spell.


Exercise Challenge - Can you do each of these exercises for 30 seconds? 45seconds? or 1 minute?

1. Mountain Climbers

Get into a push-up position and then alternate bringing your knee to your elbow. The idea is to move fast and work up a sweat!

2. Bear Crawls

Palms and feet flat on the floor, arch your back so that you look like a bear. Race across the room.

3. Star Jumps

Stand tall and then explosively jump into the air, expanding your legs and your arms so that you look like a large “X” in the air. At the height of the jump, be sure to exclaim, “I’m a STAR!”

4. Push-Ups

Straightforward and to the point. Just be sure your hands are in line with your chest and your bum isn’t in the air. Drop to the knees if it is too difficult. 

5. Sit-Ups

Feel free to tuck your toes under the sofa or coffee table if you need a bit of support, or, ask someone to hold your feet.

6. Burpees

Start with a jump up, then drop to a plank, add a push-up, and then jump back up. It should be one fluid motion and try to not pause between repetitions.


Click here to access the Charanga site via YUMU for some more fun music activities. Open up  Hey You! lesson 1 (step 1) and, like last time, just work your way down the menu that is at the top-right of the screen. You should have your passwords which were emailed to you but please email [email protected] if any problems.



Maths - Make Equal Groups

Click here to watch the second White Rose Maths teaching video.

Here are the questions to have a go at.

English - Verbs

Do you remember finding out all about verbs in class? It seems like a long time ago doesn't it? Today we will revist verbs to refresh your memory.

A verb is an action word that describes what someone is doing.

Click here and listen to a catchy song that will help to explain different types of verbs.

Look at the powerpoint attached at the bottom of this page to see some examples.

Your task: Have a look at the pictures below and write the verb to match what the people can do.

Example: jump  ride  swing

Challenge: Can you use commas in a list to write a sentence using the pictures below? How many sentences can you write?

Example: The children can run , swim and ride their bikes.



Use the worksheet in the files below or use squared paper to create your own wordsearch. Write each soft c word in the boxes. Fill the rest of the squares with letters from the alphabet. Challenge a member of your family to find all of the words.


Science - Everyday Materials: Testing properties

We have been learning about objects, materials and properties.

Click the title 'What If Rain Boots Were Made of Paper?' to listen to a fun story which reminds us how a material is chosen for it's job based on the properties it has.

Have a look around your home for a selection of different objects, made from different materials.  Answer the questions about their properties in a table with a tick or a cross. 




Is it bendy?

Is it hard?

Is it shiny?

Can you see through it?

Is it smooth?










 Maths - Add Equal Groups

Click here to watch the teaching video.

Here are the questions to have a go at.


Click on the link below to recap the story 'Ten Little Lights' read by Mrs Dwyer on zoom on Monday.

Answer the comprehension questions that follow.

There are 3 levels, so just choose one that suits you (and the answers are provided).


Play Quick write  How many times can you write each word in 1 minute?

race           dice

face            price

space         cell

ice              city

slice           fancy

Use a different colour for the soft c in each word.

RE - Jesus was Special

Click here to watch the Bible Story of the ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’.

Imagine that you were the little boy. Retell the story.

What happened?

How did you feel?

Draw a picture of the little boy and his basket of 5 loaves and 2 fish.

PE - Yoga

It is important to keep as active as possible and you should aim to do some type of exercise everyday. Ideally, you should head outside for some fresh air, go for a walk or play in your garden but if the weather is wet and miserable then you can still exercise indoors.

Today we'd like you to click here and complete a Cosmic Kids Polar Bear Yoga session.



Maths - Multiplication using the x symbol

Click here to watch the teaching video.

Here are the questions to have a go at.



The tense of a verb also tells us when the action in a sentence happens.

In the past, present or future.

Click here to find out more about verb tenses.

Today we will practise changing root verbs to present tense by adding ‘ing’ to the root word and to the past tense by adding 'ed'.

Example      Present Tense                           Past Tense

                   Today I am jumping.                 Yesterday I jumped


                          present         past

Challenge  Use 4 verbs from the lists above. In your work books write a sentence underline each verb and say whether it is in the past or present tense. Remember: you can include adjectives to describe nouns too.

Example  The clever driver parked the enormous bus. (past tense)



The next five common exception words to read and spell are:

children        wild         climb        most      only

Write the words as if they are steps adding one letter each time:










Now ask a grown up to read out this silly sentence.  Can you write it down?

Only the wild children climb the most.

Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Did you spell all of the common exception words correctly ?


GEOGRAPHY -  Animals Around The World

This week we are learning all about animals that live in cold places and animals that live in hot places.

Click here to learn about animals in the Arctic

Click here to learn about animals in Africa

Listen to the story that Miss Melville is sharing with you this week. Can you guess whether the story is going to be in a cold setting or a hot setting?

Click here to watch the video.

Your task:-

Complete the attached ‘Hot and Cold Habitats - Animal Sorting’ sheet. Colour in each animal, cut it out, decide whether it would live in a hot place or a cold place and then stick it in the correct section of the sheet.

Challenges:- Name and label each animal. Can you add anymore animals to each section? Draw and label them.

If you cannot print off the pages then have a go at drawing some of the animals in your book and write either ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ underneath them.



 Maths - Multiplication sentences using pictures

Click here to watch the teaching video.

Here are the questions to have a go at.


Spelling Test

Ask an adult to test you on the spellings that were set on Monday. Aim to get full marks and don’t forget to use your best handwriting! I’d love to hear how you got on so please email your score over to me on You could even take a photograph of your spelling sheet and attach that.


We follow a scheme called ‘Teach Handwriting’ and we teach the children a small group of letters at a time. The children are familiar with all of these but need to practise their letter formations as often as possible.

This week we will concentrate on letter joins .

  • Click here and go to the ‘bottom joins' – Cursive Letters’ section. Please select the digraphs ai, ar and au to watch the short demonstration that will show you how the letter is formed (start at the top).
  • Practise writing out the letters using the handwriting sheet attached at the bottom of the page. If you cannot print off the sheet then practise writing out the letters in your home workbooks. Remember to make sure your letters are all a consistent size!
  • Challenge: How many words can you think of that contain these digraphs?


ART - Polar Bear Craft

You will need: a small cardboard tube, a piece of white paper, a black pen, a pencil, a pink crayon, scissors and some glue.

In Geography and English this week we have met some polar bears so today we are going to make our own!


Please follow the instructions attached - ‘How to make a Polar Bear’.

I’d love to see your finished work so please send a photograph to me.


VIRTUAL ASSEMBLY – Jesus Calms The Storm!

Take some time out of your day and click here to watch a virtual assembly, brought to you by Rebecca Richardson from St Chad’s.




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