Week 10 Learning


Week 10 Reading & Phonics

Monday- Visit Storytime from Space and let your child listen to the Story Time video of A Moon of My Own.


Monday- Play the online game ‘Picnic on Pluto’. If your child is not at the stage of reading independently, you could sound the words out for them to blend together. 

Tuesday- Listen to a space themed online story, Aliens Love Underpants, Roaring Rockets and Whatever Next? Which is your favourite? Why? 


Tuesday- Play ‘I Spy in Space’. ‘I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with t’, 

Wednesday- Using the space stories as a starting point, ask your child to make up their own story about space. It could use the same characters or settings as one of the stories you have shared together.

Wednesday- Write different sounds on paper (maybe re-use the sounds from a previous project). Put the sounds together to make different words only changing the initial sound e.g. t-i-n (tin), b-i-n (bin), ch-i-n (chin).


Thursday- Ask your child to draw a picture of one of the events from their made-up space story. Can they explain what’s happening in the picture? Or, for more of a challenge, can they draw a book cover for their space story? 

Thursday- Your child can list things they would see in space that begin with the letters S, P, A,C & E. Then your child can practise writing these letters in space (in the air) using their finger or a pencil. 


Friday- Visit Oxford Owl ebooks. Look at the picture book: ‘In the Sky’. Talk about the story together. What is happening on each page? 

Friday- Sound Sprint - Make some initial sound cards (you could use paper). Place and spread them out across the floor. Ask your child to run and stand on the sound you call out. ( try s,a,t,p,i,n  or p,t,d,m,s,o,a  or c,t,n,m,p,a,o )


Weekly Writing Tasks  Weekly Maths Tasks- Length and Height

Monday- Ask your child to draw their own alien and label it.  Monday- Ask your child to make different rockets out of playdough or strips of paper. Can they make a long rocket? A short rocket? A thick rocket?


Tuesday- Write an invitation to the alien to invite them to your very own space party. 

Tuesday- Your child can compare objects from around the house or outside. Ask them if the object is longer, the same length or shorter? Order the objects.  


Wednesday- Your child can draw out or write their own menu for an alien. What does an alien eat? Moon-burgers, star biscuits or fruit rockets. Click here for more

Wednesday- Work with your child to design a rocket using different 2D shapes. This could be done with 3D shapes if you have spare boxes and resources at  home.

Thursday- Task your child with designing their own spaceship. Can they describe how the machine would move and label it using verbs? 

Thursday- Ask your child to use Lego, blocks or cardboard boxes to build a tower that is the same height as them, taller than them and shorter than them. 

 Friday- Ask your child to look up to the sky and down to the ground. Ask them to draw what they can see and have a go at completing the sentence, I can see a..

Friday- Play the online game Let’s Compare. Following this, your child can sing the song Short or Tall. 



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