W/B 22.06.20 Tasks

Hi Class 2, 

 If you need any help at all, please email me on [email protected] and I will be happy to help. 


Miss Parr


Maths & English

This week, please continue completing some of the Maths and English tasks in the home learning booklet. There are still some packs that have not been collected. Can you please ensure that if you have not collected your child's home learning pack, that you do so from the school conservatory (car park). Please find the adult guidance and answer booklets attached on this page.



Our geography topic this half term is...

Oceans and Continents

Last week you looked at the 5 Oceans of the World. Can you remember the names of all 5 Oceans? This week, you are going to look at the 7 Continents of the World. First, I would like you to watch this youtube clip:


You may remember we have watched this in class earlier this year. Can you name the 7 Continents of the World? Next, I would like you to read the information powerpoint about each of the 7 Continents.

Your first task is to label each of the Continents on the blank world map. Then, I would like you to have a go at using the information in the powerpoint and from the video to answer the questions.

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