Birch (Reception) 2024 - 2025


Miss Nieman

Welcome to Reception class 2024-2025 at Kirkby CE!

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                      Mrs Lewis                    Mrs McPhillips               Miss Dunphy


EYFS Twitter (X)

     Join our EYFS twitter page for daily updates! Take a look at the recognition we have recieved from 'Early Excellence' , 'Pie Corbett' to 'White Rose Maths'.


Story time Channel


Forest School and PE

We are lucky to have a large woodland area at the back of school which we use on a regular basis. Children will wear wellies and appropriate waterproofs.

We have weekly PE lessons alongside our physical curriculum. We have yoga on Wednesday and PE sessions on Fridays. Can you please ensure that your child has thier PE kit in school.



Reading and Phonics

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Reading is at the heart of reception. Children learn to read in a story-rich environment.  We share books every day and learn about the world through a range of fiction and non-fiction books. All EYFS staff have been trained to teach and deliver RWI sessions. Phonics helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. For more information about 'Read Write Inc', please see link attached - Read Write Inc



We aim to introduce the children to maths through the use of concrete, pictorial, abstract methods to give children a deeper understanding of how mathematics works.  

The only way to achieve mastery is to build upon a solid foundation of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. To ensure a deep level of understanding, it is necessary to move through the curriculum at a different pace to the method used in previous years. 

The teaching of mathematics in the Foundation Stage consists of daily maths workshops that focus on specific areas of the subject. These sessions focus on counting, using number names in the correct order and recognising numbers in the environment. The children learn through a range of practical contexts using images, objects, stories, rhymes and songs to engage and promote the importance of number. The children are introduced to the language of ‘more or less’ and start to recognise simple shapes from everyday objects. They begin to develop early problem-solving skills to encourage them to use maths outside of the classroom. In Reception, Maths teaching is based on the EYFS curriculum and supported by the use of White Rose 'Mastery Maths' resources.

Click on the link to hear Miss O'Nions read over thirty classic children's stories!


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