4/4/2020 Greetings from Miss Donnelly for Class 4

Date: 4th Apr 2020 @ 8:01am


Hello Class 4!

It’s Miss Donnelly here.

First of all, I would like to say a big thank you to all of you for being such a pleasure to teach over the 8 weeks that I was at your school. I loved working in your class and had so much fun with you all! I hope you and your families are keeping safe and have found lots of exciting things to do over the past two weeks since we’ve been off.

I understand that you all must be missing each other a lot, just like I miss you all and all the lovely staff at Kirkby CE. One thing which I have found helpful is to watch the sunset each night. I like doing this for two reasons.

  1. Whenever you feel lonely, or sad that you cannot see someone, looking at the sunset helps as it makes you feel a little bit closer to them. No matter where they are, they can see exactly what you can which makes you feel as if they are with you.
  2. They are beautiful!!!

This is my favourite sunset that I have seen over the past two weeks:

Have you seen any prettier than mine?

I’ve not been up to much- mostly playing with my cat Rosie (you’ve all seen a picture of her!) and my dog Scooby. I know some of you have pets too – how about trying to teach them a new trick? I would love to see photos of your animals (if your parent/carer allows you to), or even videos of them performing tricks! Here are my two pets:




I have seen that you have been enjoying TT Rockstars and hope that you can continue to beat Mrs Williams! If you have enough people in your household, why not play pumpkin pie or even the new times table game that we made – I know how much you enjoyed that, I certainly did!

I hope that you have all continued with your reading at home. It is so important that you practice reading and develop a love of reading. For those children that missed the last few weeks of school – we finished our story ‘I Was a Rat! Or the Scarlet Slippers.’ If you missed the ending, maybe you could try to write your own ending to the book? I would love to hear what you have come up with! For those of you that know the ending, have you made any links yet between the book and a famous fairy tale? (I’ll give you hint – its to do with mice, a princess and a fairy godmother!)

If you or your parents would like extra activities to do, my university have published a list of online learning activities to keep you busy. You can access it by clicking on this link: ehu.ac.uk/linkstolearning.

Please keep myself and Mrs Williams updated when you can.

Stay safe,

Miss Donnelly 😊

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