Catching up with Mrs O'Hare

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:42am

Hi everyone!

So it’s been a whole 2 months since I was last in touch with you, when I wrote my first ever blog and promised to keep in touch with you regularly. All I can say is I’m sorry that hasn’t happened and thank you to Miss Walker for holding the fort while I haven’t been able to. The reason for my absence is that my Mum got very poorly at the end of March and sadly passed away a month later. She’d had cancer for a couple of years and had been receiving treatment for it. It was an incredibly sad time for me and my family but all my friends from the staffroom at Kirkby C of E have helped me through it. Another thing I have done to help me through has been to go for a run or two. When I say a run or two I actually mean a run every day in May to raise money for the amazing nurses who came from a hospice at home service to look after my Mum and our family. I challenged myself to run 100k in May but reached that by the 15th and had raised loads of money by then so I upped my target and yesterday finished my last run in May on 200km! I ran about 6km every day (about 40 minutes) and found all sorts of interesting places along the way, from the banks of the River Mersey to the top of the hill where the Dream statue is by the M62 near St Helens. It wasn’t easy but I’m proud of my achievement and know my Mum would be proud too.


So what we want to know is what have you done that you’re proud of? Miss Walker is proud of her fantastic cake baking skills, I know Harry is proud of his brilliant poem and my Clemie is proud of her award-winning Lego window. If you remember, she was creating a World of Lego in our front window to show passers-by what she’d been up to in the lockdown. Well her school tweeted a competition run by Everton in the Community where you upload a photo of your Lego creations and each week they choose winners to receive a big box of Lego. Clemie won and her prize was delivered a few days later! So if you’re into Lego and Everton, why not give it a go? If you’re red not blue I reckon you’re still allowed to enter…

Has anyone been watching the skies to try and spot the ISS space station overhead? Or the SpaceX rocket? I’ve tried a couple of times but haven’t managed it. I did once see the ISS pass overhead when I was bobbing about in the outdoor pool at the David Lloyd, but that was years ago. Watching the news about it reminds me of Liam and the other kids in Cosmic, and how funny their training was (especially the chapter about the Vomit Comet!) I’ll bet the ISS is nothing like the Infinite Possibility or the Dandelion though.

So let me and Miss Walker know how you’re getting on and what you’re proud of this week. mail We’ll set you some simple work tasks to keep your brain going and hope to see you all soon.

Stay safe and stay happy,

Love Mrs O’Hare

[email protected]       [email protected]

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