Class 4 catch up 8th June 2020

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 11:45am

Hi Class 4,

How are you all doing? It’s lovely to get emails from you and find out what you’ve been up to. I’d love to hear from more of you though so please, please, please email me at [email protected] and tell me your news and send me photos of your latest activities. I’m still being “shielded” so I’m not meant to leave the house at all and I only get to see my husband and daughters so I appreciate it even more when I hear from you.

Have you had a go at the new school challenge: Who's who?

Well done to Class 4 for winning both of your recent TTRockstars tournaments. Keep this up!! Have a look at the leader board for overall points. A massive high 5 again to “Trent Ferguson”. How amazing is his overall score of 214,029? Do you think you could beat it? The more you play, the more points you get. Simple. Remember to go on studio mode now and then to calculate your speed. Trent's current speed is amazing at 2.06 seconds!! WOW!! The aim is to try and get below 6 seconds per questions. 

Remember to check out this week's Home Learning. Your English work is all about J.K. Rowling's new book. I hope you enjoy it.

I have some exciting news: I’m moving house. Don’t worry, it’s only to a different part of Liverpool and I’ll still be working at the best school ever. Phew! We’re probably moving next Friday so it’s a bit chaotic in my house at the moment. Boxes everywhere!!! I’m looking forward to it but it’s all a bit strange because of this lockdown and it’s taken quite a while to sort out because of it. And, as I’m still being shielded, it will mean I still have to be super careful so I won’t get to know my new neighbours or my new neighbourhood straight away. I hope they’re nice!! It’s good to see some things are returning to normal a little bit though. Hopefully, my next blog will be from our new house. I might even write it from the conservatory. Never had one of those before! Or a downstairs loo but don't worry , I won't write it from there!

What news could you share with me? Let me know any new skills you’ve mastered or something you are proud of. We are all so proud of you and how well you have coped with all of this.

I’m missing you all and can’t wait to hear from you.

Take care and keep washing those mitts!!


Mrs Williams xx

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