
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 2:39pm


We have been busy bee's in Reception this month doing all things Christmas! We have been working very hard to write our own Christmas cards, write letters to Santa, make christingles and even record our very own play! The children have loved learning all the songs and making their own head bands to wear for the video. Take a look on the website at the end of this term! 

In phonics, we have been learning the remaining of the phase 2 sounds and we have even learnt some diagraphs and where to use them! I wonder if your child can tell you any diagraphs that they know? Now that we have built up a big bank of sounds, we are starting to become more independent writers and write short labels and captions. 

For our 'Power of Reading',we have loved reading 'The Gruffalo' and 'The Jolly Christmas Postman'. The children have loved learning the key phrases in 'The Gruffalo' and we have even drawn and labelled the features of the Gruffalo. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we have been drawing our own story maps to look at where the postman goes on his journey. Can you remeber where he goes in the beginning, middle and end of the story? 

In maths, we have been busy learning how to write numbers to 5 and even beyond! We used cubes to find 1 more and 1 less and we looked at different 2D shapes in ou environment. After Christmas, we will be extending our learning to look at numbers beyond 5 and 10. 

The children have loved joining up with Nursery class for many celebrations this month. We had our EYFS disco where we showed off our dance moves in the hall and played lots of party games! Take a look on our class pages for the amazing photos.

We wish all children and parents a very happy and safe Christmas break and we will see you all in the New Year!

Miss O'Nions / Miss Nieman / Mrs Vella / Miss Dunphy 



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