Good Friday, Class 4

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 9:10am


Hello Class 4,

Good Friday quotes children. The Cross was the manifestation of ...

Well today is Friday but it’s not just any Friday. It’s GOOD Friday!!

I’ve been thinking about you all as we start Easter celebrations. Easter is a special time of year where we take time to remember that Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday and rose up to Heaven on Easter Sunday.

Remember we’d been looking at a different part of Holy Week each week in our RE lessons and had been writing a diary where you’d chosen to write as a disciple, a Roman soldier, Mary (mother of Jesus), or a trader. You’d all managed to stay in character and had written oodles of really good stuff. Your diaries were absolutely brilliant and I’m sad we didn’t get to finish them. Maybe you could think about what you would have written. Remember to stay in character though.

Below is a short story about Easter that I hope you will enjoy.


Have you done any Easter artwork yet? I'd love to see some of the lovely things you have been doing. Ask an adult to email me any photos of your pictures or you doing craft activities at [email protected] and we can then put them on the school website. You might even win a prize. 

I would normally be going to church on a Good Friday to think about all the events of Holy Week but especially Jesus dying on the cross. I will still be thinking about it in my home though and I’m grateful that we can take part in the celebrations no matter where we are.

I pray that you and your families keep safe and well during this time.

God bless

Mrs Williams

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