Our Class Learning Journey 2

Date: 19th Oct 2020 @ 4:51pm


What a fantastic month we have had! 

The children have settled in and begun their learning journey.  The children have been assessed and next steps planned for all children.  Group work and interventions will start in November.

We have been learning new songs that include Months of the Year and Days of the Week and looking at when our birthdays occur. We have started learning dance routines and doing yoga to build muscle strength, coordination and balance.

The children write their names daily in class and are working hard to write their surname too.

We have completed the story 'So much' by Trish Cooke and children learnt what a Freeze Frame is and wrote a party invitation for Dad’s surprise party. 

During 'busy' time, the children have been exploring the indoor and outdoor areas and have loved exploring the changing environment from Summer to Autumn.   Please use the 'Autumn 1' or 'Outdoor learning' tab at the top of the class page to find the photos. Ask your child to tell you what they have been up to in the photographs.

We are very excited for Autumn 2 and look forward to teaching lots more new things and providing new and challenging experiences for your child. 


Miss O'Nions /Miss Nieman / Mrs Vella / Miss Dunphy 

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