Recount of week 9 of home schooling

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 9:54pm

Hi Reception

Hope you have all had a lovely week in the sunshine doing more exciting things.  Next week it is half term so I haven’t put any home learning work on our webpage but will continue with the pirate theme the following week.  Did you all have silly pirate names?  This week I gave challenges to Milly to do by herself even though Austin was helping her.

First she designed some shoes for her and Austin to wear in the garden.


Next she made a birds nest.

Then she made a kite out of card, garden canes, tape and string. 

After that they made a song up and played a musical instrument.  Austin played the trumpet using a watering can.

Finally we had a water fight using the hose and buckets.  Everyone including me, got very wet.


I would love to hear your news and see some of your pictures.  Perhaps you can do the same things as us.  Please email any pictures or if you want to tell me anything or ask any questions my email is [email protected]

Remember, to stay safe, stay home, wash your hands, and be good. 

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