Christmas Nativity clips

Christmas Message 

The children have been learning about  Christmas and how  it is important to celebrate Jesus's birthday We believe as Christians this is why we celebrate Christmas. There has been great discussion around travelling on a donkey (it's a very popular role) and what else Mary could have travelled on. The children have used the 'home corner' to role play the Nativity sharing key features for example, Mary and Joseph must be hungry after their long journey; we could make them some toast!

We have welcomed the love and support of our families during  Advent and preparing for Christmas. Their generous donations of toys and food for our more vunerable families and the local food bank has been wonderful. 

We wish all our families a wonderful Christmas, Happy New Year and most importantly a very healthy and safe 2021. Thank you for our Christmas quarantined gifts and cards with the most caring messages which truly touched our hearts.

May God bless you all and keep you safe,

Nursery team.


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