Home Learning w/b 30.11.20

Hello to our friends from Class 7 who are at home, we hope you're well and we're still missing you!

This week we'll continue to be making phone calls home as part of our Review Day contact with you, as well as checking you're ok and have everything you need to access your home learning. Try your best to keep up with the Maths and English work below, and make sure you're helping our class out with the TimesTable Rock Stars competition currently taking place between the 3 Year 5-6 classes. We need to win this or Mr Mawson won't stop bragging! Also if you're not in school this week you'll be missing our star-making sessions. We're getting all crafty and making lots of stars to take home and put in our windows at home. Please help us to light up Kirkby by making your own star in any way you like and hanging it up in your front window. Who knows, maybe even Father Christmas might head to your street to see it?!


Divide by 10 - video lesson

Divide by 100 - video lesson

Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 - video lesson

Multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000 - video lesson

The worksheets to match each of these lessons is at the bottom of this page. 


Following on from last week's work on prefixes, both in class and at home, try the worksheets at the bottom of the page. Beware! One of them is a test, just a mini one though. 

Take care, stay safe and get in touch (email addresses on the main class page) if you need anything.

Mr Tennant, Mrs O'Hare and Miss Scott smiley

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