Home learning W/C 1.2.21

Home Learning

W/C 1.2.2021 - Children's Mental Health Week




Phonics – Write the sound ai on a piece of paper.  Think of 4 words that have the ‘ai’ sound.  For example, train. Draw one of those things and label it.


Power of Reading (Literacy) – Listen and watch the following clip for a few minutes. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sound+clip+from+under+the+sea&view=detail&mid=1E123D83BFEA4BD70C861E123D83BFEA4BD70C86&FORM=VIRE


Where is this? How does it make you feel? What does it look like? What is this watery world like?


Maths – Listen and join in to the 3D shape song.  Can you recognise the name of the shapes?  Go on a hunt around the house and look for those shapes? 





Children’s mental health week activity 1 – It’s important to learn to breath, relax and stretch.  The best way to do this is through yoga.  Follow the link and copy our cosmic yoga class. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=cosmic+yoga+mental+health+week&&view=detail&mid=CE3AA505DB6710B0ED40CE3AA505DB6710B0ED40&&FORM=VDRVRV





Phonics – Write the sound ee on a piece of paper. Think of 4 words that have the ‘ee’ sound.  For example, tree. Draw one of those things and label it.


Power of Reading (Literacy) Revisit the underwater soundscape from yesterday.  Discuss and draw pictures of things that you can and would expect to see. What colours can you see?


Maths – Listen and join in with the shape song again from Monday session.  Can you make a 3d model using empty tins, boxes etc? Here are some ideas:




Children’s mental health week activity 2- Think positive.  We are all unique and special.  We are super! Draw yourself wearing a superhero costume or dress up as a super hero and write some words to describe super you!




Phonics – Write the sound oo on a piece of paper. Think of 4 words that have the ‘oo’ sound.  For example, moon. Draw one of those things and label it.


Power of Reading (Literacy) – Look at the picture:


Who is this fish?  Where does it live? What does it do there?  Who does it live with? Where is it going? Where has it come from? How is the fish feeling?  How do you know?  Would you like to ask the fish anything?


Maths – Open the Powerpoint ‘3D shapes’.  Identify and discuss the shapes you can see in each picture slide.


Children’s mental health week activity 3- Get outside in the fresh air.  Go for a run around your park or block (keeping safe and following covid guidelines).



Phonics – Write the sound oa on a piece of paper. Think of 4 words that have the ‘oa’ sound.  For example, boat. Draw one of those things and label it.


Power of Reading (Literacy) Watch the story Hooray for fish



Why do you think it’s called Hooray for fish?


Maths – Give number cards to 10 (use from previous lesson) to the children.  Turn face down.  Take it in turns to turn 2 over.  If the numbers together make 10 (for example turned over 1 and 9), then you keep the cards.  If they don’t turn them back face down.  The winner is the one with the most cards. 


Children’s mental health week activity 4- Focus on what makes us happy can help us to be positive thinkers.  On a piece of paper write Happiness is…..   (Think about what makes you smile, laugh and feel happy)




Phonics – Continue to learn the new tricky words from last week.



Power of Reading (Literacy) – Listen to the story from yesterday again, encouraging the children to remember and chime in as they become more confident with the rhymes and repetition within the text.  Draw your favourite fish from the story.


Maths – Go outside.  Throw 10 stones into a bucket/plant pot.  How many land on the inside and how many on the outside? Record scores. What is the highest number you can get in the bucket?


Children’s mental health week activity 5 –Get outside even if it rains, snows or is windy.  Go and jump in muddy puddles, hug a tree, fly a kite, build a snowman.  Use the weather to think of exciting things to do outside and don’t forget to take some pictures to send me.

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