Home learning W/C 11.1.21

Nursery Home Learning

W/C 11.1.2021




Phonics – Can you write your name?  Do you know the letter names and letter sounds of your name? Can you remember the actions to the sounds?

Power of Reading (Literacy) Invite the children to share what they know about penguins and also note anything they would like to find out about penguins.  Have they ever seen a real penguin, perhaps in a zoo? Can they think of a story with penguins in?


Maths – Treasure Hunt.  Look around your house.  Can you find 1 big item, 2 yellow things, 3 shiny things, 4 fluffy things and 5 small things?


P.H.S.E.  - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zvryt39

P.E. - Joe Wickes 9am P.E. classes


Phonics – Go on a listening walk. Practise listening carefully to all the different sounds you hear. Talk about the sounds you heard. Did you recognise all the sounds?  Were they loud or quiet?  Were they long or short sounds?


Power of Reading (Literacy) Look at the picture of the Blue Penguin. What do you notice about this penguin? - How would you describe him? - Is he like other penguins? How? - Who do you think his friends might be?

Maths – Either print off dominoes sheet below, or make some using your own on paper.  Use dominoes to play ‘who has more’. Turn over a domino each.  Children count spots on domino, player with most spots gets a point.

P.H.S.E.  - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zvryt39




Phonics – Make a collection of your own noise makers. Think about lots of different things that make a sound and gather them together in a box or bag. Use one of the objects to make a sound for others to guess and identify.  You could include things like crisp packet, keys, coins in a pot, a rattle or a squeaky toy.


Power of Reading (Literacy) –  Listen to the story of Blue Penguin following link



Listen from the beginning to ‘A Blue Penguin is not something you see every day’, ‘ I feel like a penguin’. Ask the children to show you how Blue Penguin is feeling using their faces and their bodies to demonstrate the emotion and collect some words to describe his feelings.


Maths – Using dominoes from yesterday, share out the dominoes.  Place one in the middle.  Can you match the spots to another domino from your pile.  Continue until the first player has used all their dominoes.


P.H.S.E.  - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zvryt39

P.E. - Joe Wickes 9am P.E. classes


Phonics –  Talk about sounds you like and sounds you don’t like and why.  Draw some pictures of things that make the sounds you like. For example, birds singing, sea crashing on waves, door bell ringing.


Power of Reading (Literacy) Listen to the beginning of the story again following link



Listen from the beginning to ‘A Blue Penguin is not something you see every day’, ‘ I feel like a penguin’. What do you notice about the weather? How would it feel to be in weather like that?


Maths – Get out and about and find the numbers 2 and 3 in their environment.  Look at door signs, buses, car registrations, speed signs and more.  Which number did you see the most/least? How do you know?


P.H.S.E.  - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zvryt39 


Phonics – Play the game ‘I hear with my little ear’.  Take it in turns to imitate the sound of something and guess what makes that sound.  For example sound of clock, telephone, pet dog.


Power of Reading (Literacy) – Listen to the penguin song below.



Can you join in and dance like a penguin?

Maths – Get out and about.  Today we are looking for numbers 4 and 5.  Can many times can you find numbers 4 and 5.  Which number is seen the most/least?  How do you know?


P.H.S.E.  - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zvryt39

P.E. - Joe Wickes 9am P.E. classes


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