Home Learning W/C 11/05/2020

Hi Childrenheart,

This week, we’ve tried to make your home learning all about Florence Nightingale. Tomorrow (12th May) is the 200th anniversary of her birth. If she were still alive, she would be 200 years old tomorrow! You may remember her from work you did in Key Stage 1. You may also recognise the name Nightingale from the new hospitals that have recently been built. They are named after her.

Your work includes:

  • A comprehension about Florence Nightingale. Year 3 do the 1-star sheets. Year 4 do the 2-star sheets (although Year 3 could challenge yourself to do the 2-star).
  • A Powerpoint about Florence Nightingale and the influence she had on the way hospitals are run and patients are treated.
  • A factfile. You can then use the information from the comprehension and Powerpoint to create a ‘Florence Nightingale Factfile’. You can either print the sheet off and complete it, or write your fact file in your writing book. It’s up to you. If you wanted to do further research, try to find out information about Mary Seacole, another famous nurse, born in 1805. Instead of Florence Nightingale, your Factfile could be about Mary Seacole.
  • DT – design and create a medal for Florence or Mary. Once you’ve made them, take a photo and send so we can put it on our Class Page.
  • Practise halving and doubling on ‘Hit the Button’. Write your scores down – Are they improving? Which ones do you need more practice of?

Again, do them in any order you want.

We’ve also included this week’s First News, just for your own reading enjoyment.

The BBC are doing daily Maths and English lessons online and we think they do it quite well so please try them out. If you want (or need) a bit of structure to your week and home learning, it has videos that explain key concepts and worksheets for you to test your skills out.

  • Year 3, click here for daily maths lessons.
  • Year 4, click here for daily maths lessons.

The BBC site also does links to other lessons which you are welcome to look at. Remember though, we don't want to over-burden you. Do what you can.

Remember, if you have any questions, please get in touch with us:

[email protected]   [email protected] or [email protected]

Take care

Mrs Williams, Miss Cleary and Mrs Cashman x

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