Home Learning W/C 6th July 2020

Home Learning Packs

If you have requested an additional home learning pack, it is now available to collect from the school conservatory (staff car park). If you would like to request an additional home learning pack, please contact me on [email protected]


Maths - Finding half of an amount

Half of an amount or shape is one of the two equal parts that together make up the whole amount or shape. To find half of an amount, you must share the amount fairly into two equal parts.

Penny and Jenny have collected 4 apples. They need to share them equally.

They have shared the apples. There are two halves. Penny has one half and Jenny has one half.

                   Half of 4 is 2

Can you help Penny and Jenny share the fruit equally so that each of them have half? Remember they both have to have the same amount of fruit for it to be fair.

6 pears  2 peaches 10 oranges  8 bananas

Challenge - Can you find half of these amounts?

12     14     16     16     20


English - Verbs

We have already looked at two different word types. We know that a noun is the name of a person, place or object. We know that an adjective is a describing word. To remind yourself about nouns and adjectives, watch these short clips:



This week, we are going to learn about verbs. First, watch this short clip for an introduction to verbs:


Can you add 'ing' to each of these verbs?



















Can you put each of the new verbs into a sentence? Don't forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Topic - Climate

Now that we know all about Oceans and Continents, it's time to learn about Climate. Countries have different types of ‘climate’ around the world; they can be hot or cold. Weather is the day to day changes that we see happen. So, you may have noticed that the weather in Liverpool has been very sunny over the last few weeks, but today it is cold and raining. Climate is the average weather usually taken over 30 years for a particular place. 

Look at the World Map below. Can you spot any continents that have a cold climate? Can you spot any continents that have a warm climate? What type of climate do we have in our country?














For your task, I want you to imagine you are going on holiday to a country with a hot climate. Before you go, you will need to pack your suitcase. Use the suitcase template attached. What items will you pack for your holiday? Draw the items in your suitcase. Remember they must suit the climate at your destination.

Now imagine you are going on holiday to a country with a very cold climate. Use the suitcase template again. What items will you pack for this holiday? Will they be the same or different items?

Here are some examples to give you ideas. You may think of a lot more.








This week I’d like you to think about the habitat Tropical Rainforests’.

I’d like you to make a Tropical Rainforest picture. You could cut and stick or draw your own.


These plants and animals have special features to help them to survive in the Rainforest. Write some sentences to describe what they have.

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