Week 1 Topic

Topic Week 1

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to gain a better understanding of their own family. Learning may focus on what different makeup of families, what traditions your family has, stories linked to your family etc.


● Look at a selection of family photographs and discuss the changes over time.  ○ Show your child a photograph of them as a baby, a 1 year old, a 2 year old. What could they do at that age? What can they do now that they couldn’t do then?  ○ Look at a picture of a family member as a baby (this could be parents, siblings). Discuss how everyone was a baby once.  ○ Are there any black and white photographs? Why are these photographs black and white? Do they show older family members when they were younger? Talk about how life was different then.


● Draw a family tree- How does your family link together? Can your child draw out their family members and link them together using lines?



● Have a family picnic. Lay out a blanket in the living room or garden. Can children make sure everyone has a plate, fork, spoon, cup? How many do we need all together? Give your child a selection of food and ask them to share it fairly between everyone? If there is one left over what could we do? 


● Sort out the clean clothes. Who do they belong to? Can they deliver them to the right place in the house? Pair up socks. Can they match the patterns/ colours? Can they count in twos to work out how many there are all together? Peg clothes on the airer (this will support children to develop hand strength which will impact on their writing). 


● Put on a show or performance- Perform a story or song to your family. Plan out costumes, props. Children could make a show program. 


● Lay the table for your family for dinner- How many people are there? How many knives, forks, cups do you need? Write out name cards for everyone in your family to show them where to sit. Write a menu to let them know what is for dinner that night. Roleplay as a waiter/ waitress. What would everyone like in their sandwiches for lunch? What drinks would everyone like to have with their dinner? 


● Make a birthday card for the next family birthday-  How old are they going to be? Can they write the numerals to show the correct age? Write a message inside for your family member and sign it with your name. 


● What jobs do the people in your family do? Talk to your child about your job and what you do. What would they like to be when they grow up? Can they draw a picture of themselves in the job they would like to do? 


● Use play dough to make your family members- Use ready made play dough or make your own using this recipe:  ○ 2 cups of plain flour, one cup of salt, a tablespoon of oil, a cup of water (add gradually), a couple of drops of food colouring (optional), a teaspoon of cream of tartar (optional, but will make it last longer)  ○  ● Play a family board game-Play a game together. Talk about taking it in turns and playing fairly. Dice games will support your child’s number recognition. You could use a spinner with numerals on to help develop numeral recognition. If you don’t have a spinner you could make one using an old cereal box and a split pin.


● Find out everyone’s favourite song in your family- Listen to each person’s favourite song and make up a dance to match. Do you like the same music? What is your favourite song?

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