Week 2 Learning

Week 2 Maths Task (Aim to do 1 per day)

● Watch a Numberblocks clip each day at: BBC or CBeebies.  Use this guide here to give you ideas on what to do with your children whilst watching an episode.  


● Play the Numberblocks adding game. 


● Practise counting backwards from 20. This can be done through playing hide and seek, singing number songs, chanting, board games etc.


● Write out the digits 0 - 9. 


● Sing Number songs to practice counting, reciting numbers in order, one more, one less using number songs: Five Little Ducks, Five Little Men, Ten Green Bottles. 


● Look for the numbers on the doors of houses. Do the numbers get bigger or smaller as you go up and down the street? 

 Weekly Reading Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day)

● Read a variety of books at home. Favourites can be repeated. Hearing the patterns of language in a story will support your child’s language development. 


● Read the story Hansel and Gretel (or watch on youtube)- What makes the house appealing to the children? 


● Read the story of The Three Little Pigs (or watch on youtube)- Discuss the choices the little pigs make about the materials they use to build their houses. Can children figure out the material their own house is made from? 

Weekly Phonics Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day) Weekly Writing Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day)

● Sing Nursery Rhymes and songs together. Add in actions and change the words. Can children think of different rhyming words to add in? Repeat old favourites and learn new rhymes. You can find an A-Z of Nursery Rhymes here.



● Send your child on a sound hunt around the house. Can they find and record all of the items that make sounds? (e.g. hairdryer, TV, fridge, microwave, phone)

● Design your dream house. What rooms would you like to have in your house? Encourage children to be as imaginative as they can (e.g. a cinema room, a chocolate room). Can they label their house using their phonics knowledge?


● Practice name writing. Can they write their first name? Middle name? Challenge ….. Can you write your surname?

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