Week 5 Learning

Week 5 Reading &Phonics

Monday- Talk to your child about some words used in sports such as throw, hit, catch, ball. Go on a word hunt around the house to find these words in books, magazines or newspapers. 

Monday- Daily Phonics - Practise the sounds your child is working on ( s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d) and blend words. This can be oral blending (e.g. spoken out loud pa-t) How many words can you make from your sounds?

Tuesday- Listen to stories linked to sport, including Peppa Pig, The Large Family, Sports Day by Jill Murphy, and Maisy’s Sports Day. 

Tuesday- Can your child think of rhyming words? Take it in turns to say a rhyming word i.e. cat, mat, bat, sat. 

Wednesday- Can your child practice reading the common words: mum dad ? Wednesday- Play Phonics Pop - select Set 1 or set 2- click ‘Go’. Ask your child to listen to the sound and click these to pop them.  

Thursday- Develop listening skills by encouraging your child to listen to the BBC School Radio episode about sports. 

Thursday- Play ‘I Spy’. ‘I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with t’. could be a good idea to play it on a daily walk.

Friday- Read a range of stories at home- enjoy reading them together. Talk to your child about their likes and dislikes in the story. 

Friday- Provide your child with some simple words linked to sport e.g. ran,jump, skip, hop, hit,  Say the word in sounds e.g. r-a-n. Ask your child to repeat the sounds. 

Weekly Writing Tasks & Weekly Maths Tasks- Positions

Monday- Can your child talk about all the different sports they know? Can they have a go at writing them (i.e. run, jump, skip)?

Monday- Listen to this song and watch a short video to learn positional language.

Tuesday- Listen to interactive stories linked to sport, including Peppa Pig. Talk about how the characters are feeling when they win/lose. Draw a picture to show how the characters are feeling. 

Tuesday- Play positional language Hide and Seek- Choose a selection of items and hide them. Ask your child to count out loud while you’re doing this. Give them clues about the positions of the objects, e.g. it’s under the chair.

Wednesday- Ask your child to draw a picture of themselves doing something sporty. i.e. running, jumping, a cartwheel. Can they label the picture or write a simple sentence e.g. I can hop

Wednesday- Listen to ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Talk about the positional language used in the story – through, over, under. Create a story in the house using these words-over, under, though, behind, next to, opposite, around.

Thursday- Use this animated letter formation tool to help your child practise letter formation. You can select those they find most challenging.

Thursday- Encourage your child to jump, hop or skip. Give them directions as they do this e.g. jump forwards 5. 

Friday- Support your child to practise writing their name. ● CHALLENGE: can they write their surname or family  members names?

Friday- Make a positional language picture- cut out a selection of 2d shapes. Give your child positional instructions to create a picture e.g. put the square in the middle of your page. 

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