Week 6 Topic

Week 6 Topic

 The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the world’s rainforests. Learning may focus on the plants, animals and insects that inhabit the rainforest, food that originates there and weather patterns. It could look at plants and animals that can be found in the garden too.


Which Animals Live in the Rainforest?

● Watch this video about animals in the rainforest. Can your child tell you about some of the animals that live in the rainforest? Can they remember any facts? Can they describe the animals?. 

● Ask your child to make their own explorers outfit (e.g. binoculars, sunhat, backpack) and head out to the garden or on your daily walk. What creatures can your child find? Are they similar to any you might see in the rainforest? Take photographs. 


Draw a Picture of a Rainforest Animal on the Computer

 ● Ask your child to draw a picture of a rainforest animal. Can they use computing software to recreate their picture? Try Paint. 


Make a Collage of a Rainforest Animal

 ● Use collage to create your own rainforest animal using recycled materials from around the house. Share your finished creation to inspire others to [email protected]


Make an Animal Home

 ● Create an animal home e.g. a bug hotel using things from the garden. Use a plastic tub or cardboard box. Ask your child what the animal will need in the home in order to survive. 


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