Week 8 Learning

Week 8 Reading & Phonics

Monday- Listen to stories from around the world - including: Handa's Surprise, The Tiger’s Child and If The World Were a Village. 

Monday- Ask your child if they can think of a fruit or vegetable for each letter of the alphabet i.e. a=apple, b=banana. 

Tuesday- Choose one of the above stories to share again. Ask your child to retell the story in their own words once they are familiar. 

Tuesday- Sound Sprint - Make some initial sound cards (you could use paper). Place and spread them out across the floor. Ask your child to run and stand on the sound you call out. ( try s,a,t,p,i,n  or p,t,d,m,s,o,a  or c,t,n,m,p,a,o )

Wednesday- Follow the story All Are Welcome Here with your child. Discuss how your child’ school makes everybody feel welcome. 

Wednesday- There are live phonics lessons on Youtube daily. Click here to watch. Or  Play Online Buried Treasure - Click on the sounds your child is learning. (phase 2 set 1-3)  

Thursday- Play memory games, ‘I went to the market, I bought… The next person repeats the above sentence remembering the items bought already and adding a new one to the list each time. Use fruits like in Handa’s Surprise. 

Thursday- Splat the Letter- Write out the letters for the sounds your child has been practising on pieces of paper and spread out on the floor. Take it in turns to shout out a sound and both players have to try and splat the sound with their hand.


Friday- Your child can practice reading their name, mum, dad, initial sounds s, a, t,p,I,n  Look at newspapers, magazines or leaflets together and circle these words/sounds with a felt tip pen or highlighter.  


Friday- List countries from around the world e.g. Spain, Peru. Ask your child to identify the initial sound each country begins with. Can they identify other sounds e.g. S-p-ai-n?

Weekly Writing Tasks  Weekly Maths Tasks- Take Away

Monday- Encourage your child to look at the food in your kitchen and find out what countries some of it comes from. Search on a map for those countries. Help your child to trace the letter with which the name of those countries start. 


Monday- Watch this video to support counting back from 10. CHALLENGE: Ask your child to start at 10 and take away 1. Repeat this until they get to zero. Do they recognise the amount is getting smaller?

Tuesday- After listening to the story Handa’s Surprise, ask your child to name and draw different fruits that they know. Label them using describing words. 

Tuesday- Generate your own subtraction number stories. Use real life objects at home to show this e.g. ‘I have 4 bananas. I eat one. How many are left?

Wednesday- Ask your child to play in role as Handa from Handa’s Surprise. Ask them questions and they must answer as Handa e.g. ‘Handa, what is your favourite fruit?’ They might answer by saying ‘My favourite fruit is tangerines. I was very excited to find lots of them’. 

Wednesday- Use a teddy and count backwards making deliberate mistakes. Can your child spot the mistakes? Mistakes can include omitted numbers, repeated numbers or a number in the wrong place. CHALLENGE: Ask your child to spot the mistake when the numbers are written down.  

Thursday- Your child can draw a picture of a suitcase and all the things they might take on holiday. CHALLENGE: help your child to label them with initial sounds eg.s for socks

Thursday (theme)- Look at these pictures of flags from around the world with your child. Can they spot any shapes in the flags and can they name them? 

Friday- Ask your child to pretend they are on holiday. Get them to make a postcard to send to someone at home or email it to the nursery team! Ask your child to draw a picture of what they are doing on holiday. Can you help them to make a list of what they are doing? 

Friday- Use the tens frames (here) to subtract/take away numbers. CHALLENGE: Ask your child to write the accompanying number sentence e.g. 5-1= 4.


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