Week 8 Topic

Week 8

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about countries and cities around the world. Learning may focus on different cultures and traditions, famous landmarks, food and clothing. 


Flags ● Look at flags from around the world. Discuss which are your child’s favourites and why? Ask your child to design and make their own flag using 2d shapes.  


Food Tasting ● Find some different foods/fruits from around the world and taste each one. These might include: pizza (Italy), curry (India) and taco (Mexican) or the fruits from the story Handa's Surprise. Your child can create a chart putting a tick next to each food they like and a cross next to the foods they dislike over the course of the week. 


Pleasing Puppets ● Make your own Handa’s Surprise character puppet. Click here for more ideas. 


Toys from Around the World ● Look at this photography project of children with their toys from around the world. Discuss how life is the same and how life is different in other countries. Can your child draw their favourite toy and write a sentence explaining why this is their favourite?   

Where in the World?  ● Discuss with your child where your family comes from in the world. If you have them available, show your child photographs of where you, or their grandparents, grew up. This might be similar to where they live now or completely different. Encourage your child to think about the differences between the places. Share your family photographs with [email protected] so children can compare their own family origins with others. 


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