Week 9 Learning

Week 9 Reading & Phonics

Monday- Story sound effects- Read a story together and add in your own musical sound effects e.g. make swishy swashy sounds with fabric to go with ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. You can repeat this with as many stories as you like!

 Monday- Play Odd Sound Out. You could play a practical version of this using objects from around the house. Can your child identify which object doesn’t begin with the same sound? 

Tuesday- Read together the story of Mr Big. Discuss with your child how Mr Big felt when the other animals didn’t want to be around him. 

Tuesday-  Choose a letter of the alphabet. How many instruments or sounds can your child name that begin with that sound? 

Wednesday- Read and sing a variety of nursery rhymes with your child. Which one is their favourite? Do any of the rhymes have the same rhythm?

Wednesday- There are live phonics lessons on Youtube daily. Click here to watch. Or  Play Online Buried Treasure - Click on the sounds your child is learning. (phase 2 set 1-3)  

Thursday- Have a look at some of the different ways music is played. Are there CD’s, vinyl records, tapes in the loft that you could show your child? Look at the writing on each and talk about how this gives people information about the music. 

 Thursday- Ask your child to find a stick from the garden and explore making music around the house by tapping, hitting and scraping. You could ask them to make loud sounds, quiet sounds, sounds that are short and long. 

Friday- Have a look at and explore musical notes. Talk about how people read the different notes to play different musical instruments. Talk about the different instruments people can play. Which instrument would you like to be able to play?

 Friday- Play Washing Line Phonics- Peg along a washing line, or clothes airer, a number of sounds that your child has been learning. Give your child a simple word and ask them to rearrange the letters to make word eg cat,sat,mat,hat,pat

Weekly Writing Tasks  Weekly Maths Tasks- Shape

Monday- Ask your child to think about how some musical instruments are played, for example bang a drum, tap a tambourine, shake the maracas. Write out the words and encourage your child to trace them. 

 Monday- Take your child on a shape hunt. Look around the house and garden for different objects that have: 2D shapes – circle, square, triangle, rectangle (oblong) 3D shapes – sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid. 

Tuesday- Write an invitation to your own Family Music Show for a family member. They could watch the show on a video call. 

 Tuesday- Sing this shape song together: 2D shape song and then play the Turtle Diary online game. 

Wednesday- Your child can draw a picture of the events from their favourite Nursery rhyme. CHALLENGE: Ask your child to have a go at sounding out some words from the song or the song title.

Wednesday- Can your child draw around objects to create 2D shapes? Ask your child to name the shapes they have drawn. Can they cut the shapes out to make a 2D shape picture i.e. a house, rocket, robot?  

Thursday- Ask your child to sing their favourite nursery rhyme. As they sing each line of the song, they can draw small pictures to help them remember the song. 

 Thursday (theme)- Make a clap beat for your child, can they repeat the clapping sequence? Can they make their own for you to follow? 

Friday- Listen to a piece of classical music of your choice. Ask your child to draw/ paint along to the music. How does the music make them feel? 

Friday- Find and talk about recycled 3D shape objects e.g. boxes, bottles, tubes, Do they roll? Can you build the shapes on top of each other to make a tower?


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