W/B 11.05.20 Tasks

Hi Class 2, 

 If you need any help at all, please email me on [email protected] and I will be happy to help. 


Miss Parr



English & Topic

Do you remember earlier this year when we learnt all about a lady called Florence Nightingale? Can you remember what she is very well known for? Recently, the NHS have set up some temporary hosipitals to help treat people with coronavirus, these hospitals are called 'NHS Nightingale Hospitals'.

On Tuesday 12th May it is 'International Nurses Day'. It is celebrated around the world to mark the contributions nurses make to society. It was chosen to celebrate on this day because it is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. It is particularly special this year because it will be the 200th Anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birthday.

We greatly appreciate all that our nurses do every day to keep us safe and well. Why not make a poster for International Nurses Day to put in your window? Is anybody in your family a nurse? Maybe you could make them a card to say Thank You for doing such an amazing job. I have also attached some posters that you could colour in. 

I have attached a PowerPoint all about Florence Nightingale's life. This week for your topic task, I would like you to write down 4 facts about Florence Nightingale. It can either be a fact that you already know or new information that you have found out. You can display your facts any way you want, so you could make a poster, but remember you must include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

I have also attached a comprehension activity. Read the text about Florence Nightingale very carefully and use the information to answer the questions in full sentences. 



I would like you to access your maths tasks via White Rose Maths. The links below will take you to separate tasks for both Year 1 and Year 2. Please go to Summer Term – Week 4 (W/C 11th May). Each day there is a short video lesson provided and a follow up task to complete. I understand not everybody has a printer and therefore do not expect you to print the follow up task each day. Please complete on a piece of paper or in your learning log and email a picture to me.

Year 1

This week you will be learning how to add by making 10, subtraction within 20, addition and subtraction word problems.


Year 2

This week you will be learning how to add and subtract tens, add 2-digit numbers, subtract 2-digit numbers and number bonds to 100.


Please note, the worksheets are no longer available online. I will upload an alternative Year 1 Maths activity each day and I have sent out the Year 2 activities in an email to those who have provided email addresses. 


Maths Challenge

All about the number 200! Count it, paint it, colour it in. Try threading 200 beads or exercise for 200 seconds. What else can you do with the number 200?


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