Class 4 having fun in science

Lesson: Science

Class: Class 4 Year: 2020 - 2021

Do not read any further if you have a weak stomach.

You have been warned!!

Class 4 had fun today making poo. Yes, you read that correctly. We have been looking at the digestion system and learning the function of each part. We put all of our knowledge into practise and constructed a working model of the digestive system.

A bowl was used for the mouth. We added typical food and drinks that we'd eaten that day.

Scissors represented incisors so we chopped some food up. Mashers were used to represent molars and made the food even smaller. We added a liquid to show the function of salivary amylase. A big wooden spoon acted as the tongue to move the food around the mouth. We made sure we masticated it well.

Next down the oesophagus and into the stomach (aka a sealed plastic jiffy bag). We added hydrochloric acid (aka orange juice) and we used our hands to squish the food up even more just like the mechanical action of our stomach would.

We cut a hole in the bottom corner of our stomach bag and opened the sphincter to release it into the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. We used a pair of tights to represent the small intestine so we filled the leg with all of the sloppy food. We added some more enzymes from the gallbladder to break down fats. This was starting to become gross. We loved it!!!

Liquid was oozing out of the tights. We placed the intestine in a bowl of blood. Blackcurrant juice but it looked like blood. This was to show how all the nutrients and good stuff from our food entered the bloodstream for our circulation system to take it where it was needed. We squeezed as much water out as we could and moved the faecal matter down the tights by peristalsis. 

Next stop, the large intestine.

We absorbed more water from the

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