Home Learning WB 01.03.2021

Home Learning

Only one more week to go! We can't wait to see you all again.

You have been superstar home learners and we are very proud of you!

Here are your tasks for this week. If you need any help at all, please email me on [email protected] and I will be happy to help. 


Miss Parr



Zoom Meetings

Don't forget to join our zoom sessions this week. The details of how to login to the sessions have been emailed out to you. Please note there have been some changes this week, so please check the times below.

Monday 1st March at 12pm - Year 1 & Year 2

Wednesday 3rd March at 11am - Miss Melville's Wednesday Workout

Friday 5th March at 12pm - Year 1 & Year 2



Year 1 Maths - Compare lengths activity

Click here to watch the first video 'Compare lengths activity'.

Have a go at the task, finding things at home that are longer and shorter than a spoon. Record them in your book with pictures and words.


Year 2 Maths - Draw Pictograms (2, 5 & 10) Activity

Click here to watch the first teaching video. There is no worksheet to complete today. Watch the video and have a go at the questions below.

You saw 4 dogs and 6 giraffes on your walk. Can you complete the pictogram below? Don't forget to use the key!

Go for a walk or look out of your window. Record data about the types of transport you see. You could record this in a tally chart as you are walking. Next, use this data to draw a pictogram. I would like you to use 1 symbol to represnt 2 vehicles as your key.





On Thursday, this week, it is World Book Day so our English focus will be on reading and phonics. It is important to read as often as you can but it is also very important to hear stories being read out loud, why don't you choose your favourite story and ask an adult to read it to you at bedtime.

                           Bedtime Reading

3 - Goro Fujita

Think about these questions and answer them in your workbooks.

  • Where are the girl and the monster?
  • How did they meet?
  • Do you think that they are friends?
  • Are they happy? How do you know?
  • What do you think they are reading?
  • What do you like to read?
  • What is your favourite story that someone has read to you?


  • Where does the monster live?
  • Why is the book glowing?
  • Draw a front cover for the book that you think they are reading.


Year 1 Spellings

We have finished all of the tricky words now. First, use the tricky words powerpoint attached to recap all of the tricky words from phase 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Now, click here to play Tricky Word Trucks. How long will it take you to read all of the tricky words?

Username: jan21

Password: home

If there are any words that you are unsure of or keep getting wrong, have a go at picking individual tricky words to practise.


Year 2 Spellings

Our spelling rule this week is the 'i' sound spelt 'y' at the end of words

Your spellings to learn for Friday are: 

 cry   fly   dry   my   reply   July   supply   by   why   sky           

Click here to play a game with the words which will help you to segment and understand the meaning of each of them.


Phonics - Phase 5

New sound ‘oe

'oe' makes the same sound as 'oa' goat in a boat.

'oe' is usually at the end of a word and 'oa' is usually at the beginning or in the middle.

Read the following ‘oe’ words.

toe     Joe     hoe     woe     foe     goes     heroes     potatoes

Click here to play Dragon's Den. Select phase 5 and then 'oe'.

Username: jan21

Password: home



This week we are directing you to Andy’s Wild Workouts.

Each workout is 6 or 7 minutes and there are 10 of them, so choose a few that interest you the most – or even have a go at them all if you enjoy them.

Enjoy keeping fit and learning about the different environments.


Storytime and World Book Day

This afternoon take the opportunity to get started on Kirkby CofE's World Book Day Challenges. Click on the link below to find out everything you need to know. Facemask templates can be collected from the school conservatory or printed in the files below.

World Book Day Challenges

Enjoy a story to round up your school day.

Click on the bookworm below to choose from a huge selection of stories read aloud by their authors.



Year 1 Maths - Compare heights activity

Click here to watch the second video 'Compare heights activity'.

Have a go at the task, finding things shorter, taller and the same height as you. Record them in your book with pictures and words.


Year 2 Maths - Draw Pictograms (2, 5, 10)

Click here to watch the second teaching video.

Click here to have a go at the questions.


English - Capital Letters for Book Titles

When you read your favourite book, you will notice that the first letter of each word in the title begins with a capital letter. However, some of the smaller words won’t be capitalized, like ‘to’ or ‘in’.

You need a capital letter for all of the main words but not the connecting ones like ‘and’. But no matter what size the first word is, it will always be a capital.

Click here to have a go at a quiz, finding the correct book titles.

Find 5 books at home and write out their titles. Remember those capital letters!

Challenge – Can you also find and write the authors name (which also uses capital letters)?


Year 1 Spellings

As the weather has been much nicer lately, today we are going outside. I would like you to choose 10 tricky words that you found the hardest to learn and play tricky word hopscotch. Use some chalk to draw the hopscotch outside. Then, practise writing the 10 tricky words you have chosen into the hopscotch course. Throw a stone and read out loud the tricky word it lands on. Then, shout the tricky words out loud as you hop to it. Enjoy!


Year 2 Spellings

Practise your spellings today by clicking here to play some online games with each of your words.

cry   fly   dry   my   reply   July   supply   by   why   sky


Phonics - Phase 5

New sound ‘au

'au' makes the same sound as 'or' and 'aw'.

'au' never comes at the end of a word.

Read the following ‘au’ words.

Paul     haul     haunt     launch     August     autumn

Click here to play Buried Treasure. Select phase 5 and then 'au'.

Username: jan21

Password: home


Science - Seasonal Changes: Signs of Spring

As we’ve arrived in March, we can now start to see signs of spring around us.

As you enjoy the outdoors this week, look out for any changes that show us spring is here.

Look closely at the trees. Look closely at the grassy areas. Keep your eyes open for any signs of animal life.

St Chad’s Garden and the Millenium Green are lovely places to walk through.

If you spot any flowers growing, see if you can find out and remember their names.

You could draw some pictures and label them to show what you spotted.



Join us at 11am today for ‘Workout Wednesday’. Zoom details have been emailed out.

See the source image


Year 1 Maths - Compare lengths and heights

Click here to watch the third video 'Compare lengths and heights'.

Click here and have a go at the activities.


Year 2 Maths - Interpret Pictograms

Click here to watch the next teaching video.

Click here to have a go at the questions.



This week we are taking the opportunity to celebrate ‘The Fabulous World of Books’ There are so many characters to meet, places to go and adventures to be had when you open up a book. Below you can click on a link to read some of KS1's absolute favourites. You can choose to read one of these or take one of your own down from your bookshelf.

Hairy MacLary from Donaldson’s Dairy – Lynley Dodd

Oh No George – Chris Haughton

Owl Babies – Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson

Rumble in the Jungle – Giles Andrea David Wojtowycz

Book Reviews are a great way to recommend a book to a friend and share your love of reading.

Gold star star clipart and animated graphics of stars image #28234 | Star  clipart, Gold stars, Illustration






Have a go at writing a book review for one of the books above or any book at all. You can use the worksheet in the files below or complete yours in your workbook. I can't wait to hear your recomendations!


Year 1 Spellings

Choose 10 tricky words that you have found the hardest to learn over the last few weeks. It may be the same 10 words as yesterday or you may want to choose a different 10. Today we are going to play tricky word Twister. You can either tape the words to a real Twister mat if you have one, or just draw your own outside with chalk. Ask your grown up to read a tricky word, then you have to put your hand or foot on it. Try not to fall down!!


Year 2 Spellings

Today try becoming a 'spelling spotter'. Use the book links above or any you have at home. How many of this week's spellings can you find inside your books? 

cry   fly   dry   my   reply   July   supply   by   why   sky


Phonics - Phase 5

New sound ‘ey'

'ey' makes the same sound as 'ee' and 'ea'.

ey’ always comes at the end of a word.

Read the following 'ey' words.

key     donkey     turkey     jockey     valley     trolley     chimney     money

Click here to play Picnic on Pluto. Select phase 5 and then 'ey'.

Username: jan21

Password: home



After Jesus spent time in the desert, he travelled to Jerusalem. We remember this on Palm Sunday.

Look at the powerpoint attached below to read about the story of Palm Sunday.

Draw a picture of Jesus travelling into Jerusalem.

Include these things in your picture and label them.

Jesus     donkey     Palm leaves     cloaks    "Hosanna"     Palm tree


Thursday - Happy World Book Day!

Get lost in your favourite book today and enjoy the adventure!

Year 1 Maths - Measure Length Activity

Click here to watch the fourth video 'Measure Length Activity'.

Choose something small that you can use for measuring e.g. lego blocks, coins, pasta (remember they all need to be the same size).

Use your objects to measure some reasonable sized objects around your home - bigger than your counters but not too big. E.g. How many lego blocks are the same length as a pencil?

Record the objects you measured.

Object Measured How many Units?


Year 2 Maths - Block Diagrams

Click here to watch the next teaching video.

Click here to have a go at the questions.



There are so many amazing books to read and I'm sure you all have your favourites. How many books do you think you have read in your lifetime? Can you remember them all? How many characters can you recall?

Celebrate the fantastic world of books today by taking part in the activities below.


First have some fun with the ‘Name that Story’ PowerPoint quiz in the files below. Can you guess the story before your grown up?

Next, can you manage to name a book or book character for every single letter of the alphabet? Have a go! You can use the worksheet in the files below or simply list them in your workbook.

Did you manage every letter?

Which were the most difficult?

Always Remember

50 motivating quotes about books and reading

Year 1 Spellings

Today we are going to play tricky words Hide and Seek. Write down the tricky words you have been practising this week on small pieces of paper. While you close your eyes and count to 20, ask your grown up to hide the words around the house or even outside in your garden. Then you have to try and find all the tricky words. When you find one, read it out loud. How fast will you find them all? Maybe you could time yourself.


Year 2 Spellings

Use the Y2 common exception word powerpoint in the files below to recap on all the words we have worked on so far. Can you read them all?

Our next 5 common exception words to read and spell are:

 sure     sugar      eye      would     should

Today I'd like you to write each word out forwards then backwards. Are you up for the challenge?

Example           sure



Phonics - Phase 5

New sound ‘a-e' (the line represents a consonant).

Magic e’ on the end gives the ‘a’ the same sound as 'ai' and 'ay' (and the e on the end is silent).

Read the following 'a-e' words.

came     take     made     safe     shape     cake     game     snake

Look at these words and decide which are real and which are nonsense.



History - Significant People: Brunel

This is Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel holding a lamp.

  • He lived around 200 years ago, during the Victorian Age.
  • He was a famous engineer whose designs changed the lives of many people. He has been called ‘the man who invented the modern world’.
  • We still use some of the bridges and railway stations built by Brunel.

Your tasks today are:-

  1. Click here to watch the information video.
  2. Have a go at the short ordering activity (underneath the video on the BBC Bitesize page).
  3. Draw and label a picture of one of Brunel’s designs, for example ‘The Great Western Ship’.

Image result for Great Western Ship


  1. Can you find out any other information about Brunel? Click here for a timeline that may help you. Choose one of his designs (for example one of his famous ships – The Great Western, The Great Britain or SS The Great Eastern) and write down as many facts about it as possible. You could present this as a mind map like we often do in school.

See the source image



Year 1 Maths - Measure Length

Click here to watch the final video 'Measure Length'.

Click here to have a go at the activities.


Year 2 Maths - Consolidation

There is no teaching video today. If you want, you could start by recapping the video about block diagrams from yesterday. Today, I want you to use everything you have learnt about tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams to complete the worksheet attached.


English - Spelling Test

Year 1: Please ask an adult to test you on the tricky words you have been practising this week. You may have got these words wrong in your previous spelling test, aim to get full marks today! Don’t forget to use your best handwriting. I’d love to hear how you got on so please email your score over to me on [email protected]. You could even take a photograph of your spelling sheet and attach that.

Year 2: Ask an adult to test you on the spellings that were set on Monday. Aim to get full marks and don’t forget to use your best handwriting! I’d love to hear how you got on so please email your score over to me on [email protected]. You could even take a photograph of your spelling sheet and attach that.


English - Handwriting 

We follow a scheme called ‘Teach Handwriting’ and we teach the children a small group of letters at a time. The children are familiar with all of these but need to practise their letter formations as often as possible.

Year 1: This week we will concentrate on the letters p, e and s.

  • Click here and go to the ‘Curves to Start – Cursive Letters’ section. Please select the letters p, e and s to watch the short demonstration that will show you how the letter is formed (start at the top).
  • Practise writing out the letters using the handwriting sheet attached at the bottom of the page. If you cannot print off the sheet then practise writing out the letters in your home workbooks. Remember to make sure your letters are all the same size!
  • Challenge: How many words can you think of that begin with each of these letters?

Year 2: This week we will concentrate on letters joining at the bottom to form a 'c' shape.

  • Click here and go to the ‘bottom to c shaped joins' – Cursive Letters’ section. Please select the digraphs ng, ss and igh to watch the short demonstration that will show you how the letter is formed (start at the top).
  • Practise writing out the letters using the handwriting sheet attached in the files at the bottom of the page. If you cannot print off the sheet then practise writing out the letters in your home workbooks. Remember to make sure your letters are all a consistent size!
  • Challenge: How many words can you think of that contain these digraphs?


Phonics - Phase 5

New sound ‘e-e' (the line represents a consonant).

Magic e’ on the end gives the ‘e’ the same sound as 'ee', 'ey' and 'ea' (and the e on the end is silent).

Read the following e-e words.

Pete     eve     theme     Steve     complete     compete    these     swede

Look at these words and decide which are real and which are nonsense.



Design Technology - Vehicles

The design technology task set last week was a two week project, so if you have not finished your model and booklet then please do that today. Please bring your completed booklet back to school next week.

If you have finished then you may enjoy completing the cutting, sticking and designing activity attached.

Also, you were learning all about Brunel’s inventions yesterday, do you remember that he was famous for setting up the Great Western Railway line between London and Bristol?

Click here and enjoy watching this Cbeebies video where Catie looks at lots of amazing machines. This week we will be learning all about rail machines.

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