Home Learning w/b 8.2.21


Here are your Maths video links for this week's lessons. As usual, the worksheet links are in the list of files at the bottom of this page, and remember, you don't have to print them off, it's fine to just write the answers down in your Maths home learning book. 

Monday - Compare and Order (Denominator)

Tuesday - Compare and Order (Numerator)

Wednesday - Add and Subtract Fractions (Part 1)

Thursday - Add and Subtract Fractions (Part 2)

Friday - Add Mixed Numbers (Recap)

This is yet another week where your times tables will help you so head on over to TT Rockstars before or after each lesson to refresh your Maths brain.



The Blitz setting description


Watch the short video The Blitz which shows a brief insight into the sights and sounds of the Blitz.

Using the ‘Setting Description Checklist’ to help, imagine you are there experiencing ‘The Blitz’ for yourself. Write a short piece that describes what you can see, hear, smell and feel as well as the mood and atmosphere.

Remember to use lots of descriptive vocabulary and check your spellings, punctuation and grammar.


Spellings- Silent Letters

This week, we would like you to watch the short spelling lesson on Oak National Academy.

In the lesson, you will investigate silent letters, highlighting etymology and spotting patterns between them.

Click here to start the lesson.

Reading – 60 Second Comprehensions

Read the two short reading extracts titled ‘The Battle of Britain and The Blitz’ and ‘The role of women in the Second World War and answer the questions provided. These are only intended to take a few minutes max, so use your skimming and scanning skills to quickly find the information required.



Last week, you completed Lesson 2 of our new Science topic; Adaptations.

You looked at how organisms have adapted to hot environments looking at the conditions in different environments and the characteristics that animals have that help them to survive in those conditions.

This week (lesson 3), you will learn about the conditions present in the cold environments of the Arctic and Antarctica and how animals are adapted to live in these environments.

Please click here to be directed to the lesson.



The word Blitz is short for the German word ‘Blitzkrieg’, which means ‘lightning war.’

  From September 1940 until May 1941, Germany began air raids in which they bombed parts of Britain at night-time.

The following site provides lots of fantastic information about ‘The Blitz.’


Read all about ‘The Blitz’ using the link and the information provided to complete the two activities below:

Activity 1- Air Raid Shelters

As the night raids were becoming so frequent, people needed to protect themselves from the bombs being dropped by German aircraft. Therefore, people were advised to build shelter for themselves. The two main shelters were the: Anderson Shelter and Morrison Shelter.

Using the following link http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/shelters.htm write down the differences between the two different shelters. You could even produce a poster detailing the key differences between them.

Activity 2 – Liverpool during ‘The Blitz’

It was dangerous living in a big city during the war. Cities were the target of enemy aircraft that flew over at night and dropped bombs.

Although London was hit hard by the bombs, other cities and towns were also heavily bombed, including Swansea, Cardiff, Bristol, Southampton, Plymouth, Birmingham, Coventry and Liverpool.

We would like you to research what impact ‘The Blitz’ had on Liverpool.

The following link may help you with your research:




This week we continue our lessons on Adele's ballad Make You Feel My Love. We'd like you to log in to your YUMU account and follow the steps in this week's lesson, paying particular attention to the companion song Hello by Lionel Richie. Also, have a listen to the epic O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff and think about how it opens really dramatically before quietening down then building back up again. Check out the Quirky Fact about Carl Orff as you're listening. Finally, this week we'd like you to have a go at the Signed Song version of Make You Feel My Love, try to sign along with it and think about the shapes you are making in relation to the words in the lyrics.



This is our final week on this topic of 'Why Christians Celebrate the Eucharist' so we'd like you to create an information leaflet or poster to explain it all as if your reader was someone from another faith or a Christian learning about it for the first time. Read the linked lesson document below then the PowerPoint about Holy Communion first, so you know more about what you are writing about. 



Please tune in to the weekly Zoom PE lesson. It is important that during lockdown we all stay as active as possible as it also helps to improve our general mood.

The next session is Friday 12th February. The details for the next PE zoom meeting have been emailed out to you. It would be great to see even more of you on this one.



Linking in with ‘The Blitz’ theme of this week, we would like you to have a go at creating a Blitz skyline picture.

Take a look at some examples below and then off you go!

It would be great to see some of your creations.



Don't forget CBBC are showing a variety of educational programmes Monday to Friday. Please have a look at the timetable attached below. I have put a ring around all of the programmes this week that I would recommend.

smiley We look forward to seeing you all soon smiley

Mr Mawson

[email protected]

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