YEAR 4 Remote Learning wb 22/3/21

Y4 (Class 4) & Y4 (Class 6)


Remote Learning

Summary of maths work for Y4 wb 22/3/21







Tenths as decimals

Watch here

Complete worksheet See answers


Tenths on a place value grid

Watch here

Complete worksheet  See answers


Tenths on a number line

Watch here 

Complete worksheet  See answers


Divide 1-digit by 10

Watch here

Complete worksheet  See answers


Divide 2-digits by 10

Watch here

Complete worksheet  See answers



Please find links to online maths lessons in case your child is off due to any Covid related illness or self-isolation. You can download links at the bottom of the page or, alternatively, hover your cursor over the hyperlinks to open the documents.

Your child has been following White Rose Maths and is used to this lesson format. We have been practising doing some of our lessons with the video so children are used to it. Remember to pause the video whenever a question is asked so you have time to attempt it. If you feel like you need a different or further explanation, try out the BBC Bitesize page who offer extra guidance linked to White Rose Maths scheme.


If your child is struggling with any of the maths, it is fine for them to try the work from the previous year group.

Click here to see the work from Year 3.

They could always then have a go at the Year 4 work later when they feel more confident.


The activities below should fit in with what we are covering in school so that, when children return, they are able to continue with the learning in school.

You do not need to print the worksheets off. The children can write the answers in their blue workbooks that were sent home.


Now and Then: CBBC Remember, you can always use the CBBC site for some superb lessons. Click here to see BBC Bitesize.


Oak National Academy Online Classroom Or try the Oak National Academy

KEEP CALM AND RELAX WITH A CUP OF TEA - created by eleni | Drinking tea, Tea  time, Tea cups Put the CBeebies/Oak Academy TV lessons on for the children and put the kettle on for yourself. Result.



Try some mindfulness activities. They're not just good for children either. Click here to see some ideas.


Daily Extras

Choose a few activities each day. Which is your favourite?

Click on the image to load the programme.

Image result for ttrockstars  Smith's Wood Primary Academy - E-Books from Oxford Owl  Epic Blog | Ideas and Inspiration for Parents and Teachers to Help Children  Build a Love of Reading This page has moved - CBBC Newsround drawwithrob.png

Try and download the FREE apps from Apple Store and Google Play Store to make playing it even easier.

Children have been given login details but please email if there is any problem.



Monday 22.3.21

MATHS = "Tenths as decimals" 

Watch video link here

Complete worksheet PDF 

See answers on pdf

Play TTRockstars or NumBots if you can.


ENGLISH = Sit spelling test 23

Complete worksheet for new spellings on sheet 24. Click here to access Y4's spelling worksheet if spelling booklet is misplaced. 

(See link here for summary list of all Y4 spellings throughout the year)


ENGLISH TEXT = Noah Barleywater Runs Away

Click here to see work. Listen to the story and discuss questions. You can write your ideas in your work book.



Handwriting Activity Books | McRuffy Press Practise handwriting. Click here to see handwriting scheme used in school. Click here to see animated videos on individual letter formation.

Read for pleasure Read for 20 mins. Click here for Oxford Owl ebooks (Login = Class 4 KCE   Password = chocolate) or click here to read on epic books (login = uik3385 for Class 4 / uix9911 for Class 5 / yhw4693 for Class 6).

Discuss what you enjoyed about the book.

This page has moved - CBBC Newsround Click here to watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world. Click here if you fancy reading First News (a newspaper written especially for children).


Tuesday 23.3.21

MATHS = "Tenths on a place value grid"

Watch video link here

Complete worksheet PDF

See answers on PDF

Play TTRockstars or NumBots if you can.


ENGLISH = Check spellings from yesterday and make sure you understand the meaning of each word. Put each spelling into a good quality sentence. Remember capital letters, finger spaces, check it makes sense and ensure there is some punctuation at the end.


ENGLISH TEXT = Noah Barleywater Runs Away

Click here to see work. Listen to the story and discuss questions. You can write your ideas in your work book.



Handwriting Activity Books | McRuffy Press Practise handwriting. Click here to see handwriting scheme used in school. Click here to see animated videos on individual letter formation.

Read for pleasure Read for 20 mins. Click here for Oxford Owl ebooks (Login = Class 4 KCE   Password = chocolate) or click here to read on epic books (login = uik3385 for Class 4 / uix9911 for Class 5 / yhw4693 for Class 6).

Discuss what you enjoyed about the book.

This page has moved - CBBC Newsround Click here to watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world. Click here if you fancy reading First News (a newspaper written especially for children).


Wednesday 24.3.21

MATHS = "Tenths on a number line"

Watch video linhere 

Complete worksheet PDF 

See answers on PDF 

Play TTRockstars or NumBots if you can.


ENGLISH = Click here to see a comprehension on Easter.


ENGLISH TEXT = Noah Barleywater Runs Away

Click here to see work. Listen to the story and discuss questions. You can write your ideas in your work book.



Handwriting Activity Books | McRuffy Press Practise handwriting. Click here to see handwriting scheme used in school. Click here to see animated videos on individual letter formation.

Read for pleasure Read for 20 mins. Click here for Oxford Owl ebooks (Login = Class 4 KCE   Password = chocolate) or click here to read on epic books (login = uik3385 for Class 4 / uix9911 for Class 5 / yhw4693 for Class 6).

Discuss what you enjoyed about the book.

This page has moved - CBBC Newsround Click here to watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world. Click here if you fancy reading First News (a newspaper written especially for children).


Thursday 25.3.21 

MATHS = "divide 1-digit by 10"

Watch video link here

Complete worksheet PDF 

See answers on PDF 

Play TTRockstars or NumBots if you can.



Click here for a mystery SPAG lesson on Easter. Someone has crushed the chocolate Easter eggs!! Solve the clues to find out who the guilty culprit is. Good luck!


ENGLISH TEXT = Noah Barleywater Runs Away

Click here to see work. Listen to the story and discuss questions. You can write your ideas in your work book.



Handwriting Activity Books | McRuffy Press Practise handwriting. Click here to see handwriting scheme used in school. Click here to see animated videos on individual letter formation.

Read for pleasure Read for 20 mins. Click here for Oxford Owl ebooks (Login = Class 4 KCE   Password = chocolate) or click here to read on epic books (login = uik3385 for Class 4 / uix9911 for Class 5 / yhw4693 for Class 6).

Discuss what you enjoyed about the book.

This page has moved - CBBC Newsround Click here to watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world. Click here if you fancy reading First News (a newspaper written especially for children).


Friday 26.3.21

MATHS = "Divide 2-digits by 10"

Watch video link here

Complete worksheet PDF

See answers on PDF

Sit ??x tables test

Play TTRockstars or NumBots if you can.


ENGLISH = Click here to solve another Easter SPAG Mystery. Someone has deliberately ruined the Easter Bunny costume. Solve the clues to find out who would do such a horrible thing. 

ENGLISH TEXT = Noah Barleywater Runs Away

Click here to see work. Listen to the story and discuss questions. You can write your ideas in your work book.



Handwriting Activity Books | McRuffy Press Practise handwriting. Click here to see handwriting scheme used in school. Click here to see animated videos on individual letter formation.

Read for pleasure Read for 20 mins. Click here for Oxford Owl ebooks (Login = Class 4 KCE   Password = chocolate) or click here to read on epic books (login = uik3385 for Class 4 / uix9911 for Class 5 / yhw4693 for Class 6).

Discuss what you enjoyed about the book.

This page has moved - CBBC Newsround Click here to watch Newsround and discuss what is happening in the wider world. Click here if you fancy reading First News (a newspaper written especially for children).


Relax now.

It's the Easter Break.

Happy Easter.

It's the weekend! – slimmingworldshirley

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