Remote Learning W/B 1.2.21

Here are your tasks for the week.

If you have any questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact us.

[email protected] or [email protected] 


Don't forget to join our zoom sessions this week.

The details of how to login to the sessions have been emailed out to you.

Monday at 12pm

Wednesday (PE) at 11am

Friday at 12pm


Kirkby C of E School Challenges!

Please continue to take part in the two whole school challenges that we are running at the moment.

Click here to read all about the art challenge.Send photographs of your drawings to Mr Tennant.

Click here to read about our 30 day reading challenge. Visit the Kirkby C of E homepage daily to find out what the challenge will be each day.  Read as often as you can and don't forget to send in any photographs of you taking part to Mrs McCoombs.


This week is Children’s Mental Health Week.

Image result for children's mental health week 2021

Each day we will be asking you to think about your mood and to check in on your feelings.



See the source image



Click here to watch the first video 'Counting to 50 by making 10s'

Practise counting from 1 to 50.

With your grown up, you could count together or maybe take turns to say a number/couple of numbers each.

Can you find and count a set of objects at home that you have 50 of? E.g lego blocks, coins



Take a Break!

            Look at the picture carefully.

Think about these questions and answer them in your workbooks.

Remember there are no right or wrong answers.

  • What animals can you see? Write a list.
  • What are the different animals doing?
  • How is the bear feeling?
  • Which animal do you think is the happiest? Why?
  • The animals are taking a break. What do you like to do when you need a break from your work?

Challenge (write in full sentences)

  • What do you think the animals were doing before this picture was taken?
  • Who do the animals belong to?
  • Give each animal a name. Try and use alliteration so that the animals name starts with the same letter as the animal, for example Leo the Lion.
  • Write some of your own questions for this picture.



Phase 5 – new sound ‘ay’

ay makes the same sound as ai.

ay is usually at the end of a word and ai is usually at the beginning or in the middle.

Read the following ‘ay’ words.

day     play     may     say     tray     clay     pray     stay

Click here to play Dragons Den. Select phase 5 and then ay (login with username: jan21 and password: home)



This week we are moving on to the Phase 4 tricky words. Have a go at reading each of these words. Remember they are tricky words so you can't sound them out and they don't follow the rules, you just have to learn them.

said     have     like     so     do     some     come   

If you already know these Phase 4 Tricky words, here is a list of all Year 1 & Year 2 Common Exception Words. Choose 10 to learn this week. Practise them every day.



Exercise Challenge - A few different exercises this week.

Can you do each of these exercises for 30 seconds? 45seconds? or 1 minute?

1. Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder’s width apart, and do deep knee bends. Make sure keep your knees behind your toes and your arms out straight.

2. Leg Raises

Lay on your side or on your back and with lift your legs without bending at the knee. Try to hold at the top. This works your lower abdominals, but be careful to not let your lower back arch.

3. Lunges

Step forward and bend your front knee to a 90-degree angle. The goal is to have your back knee touch the ground without letting your front knee extend past your toes.

4. Planks

Elbows on the floor and balanced on your tiptoes. Keep still and squeeze your bottom.

5. Jumping Jacks

Start with your feet together and arms by your side. Jump feet and arms out and in at the same time.

6. Butterfly Kicks

Lay flat on your back, and extend your legs straight out. Imagine a swimmer, and begin to flutter kick your legs without bending at the knee.



Click here to access the Charanga site via YUMU for some more fun music activities.

Open up  Hey You! (step 3)

Hey You! is written in an Old-School Hip Hop style to help you learn about the differences between pulse, rhythm and pitch and to enjoy rap music in its original form. Enjoy listening and rapping with Will Smith The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Have you heard it before?

Like last time, just work your way down the menu that is at the top-right of the screen. You should have your passwords which were emailed to you but please email [email protected] if you have any problems.



See the source image



Click here to watch the second video 'Numbers to 50'

Click here for some questions to answer.



Do you remember what a noun is? (It’s a naming word)

If you have just one noun, it’s singular.

If you have more than one noun, it’s plural.

You are going to change singular nouns to plurals by adding s and es.

Watch the powerpoint below to see some examples and rules.

Have a go at these:


Phase 5 – new sound ‘ou’

ou makes the same sound as ow.

Read the following ‘ou’words.

out     cloud     proud     about     scout     loud     sound     shout

Click here to play Buried Treasure. Select phase 5 and then ou (login with username: jan21 and password: home)



Open the document attached below 'Tricky words mindfulness'. As it is Children's mental health week, today I woud like you to have a go at reading each of your spelling words out loud. Then enjoy colouring them in.



Everyday Materials - Umbrella Investigation

Click on the link below for instructions on how to carry out a little experiment.

Have fun!!



Join us at 11am today for ‘Workout Wednesday’.

Zoom details have been emailed out.

See the source image


Click here to watch the third video 'Counting forwards and backwards within 50'

Click here for some questions to have a go at.



Focusing on what makes us happy, can help us to be positive thinkers.

Think about what makes you happy and write your ideas in a list to make a poem.

Happiness is ...

Write it in your book or on the sheet below. We would love to hear your ideas on zoom on Friday.

E.g. Happiness is ...  reading a book in the warm sunshine, walking in the hills with my family, listening to the laughter of children, eating a meal cooked by someone else and dancing with friends to my favourite songs.    by Mrs Dwyer

Happiness is ... playing with my dog in the garden, walking along the beach on a sunny day, watching a film with my family and licking my lips after eating a sugary doughnut.    by Miss Melville



Phase 5 – new sound ‘ie’

‘ie’ makes the same sound as ‘igh’.

Read the following ie words.

tie     pie     lie     die     cried     tied     fried     spied

Click here to play Picnic on Pluto. Select phase 5 and then ie (login with username: jan21 and password: home)



Today I would like you to cut up a piece of thin card or paper into squares. Write a phase 4 tricky word from Monday's list onto each piece of card. You will need to do this two times so that you have two of each spelling. Now test your memory and play a game of Matching Pairs by spreading out the cards face down and then flipping two cards at a time to find a pair! How quickly can you match the cards?



Jesus was special - Jesus turns water into wine

Click here to watch a clip of the story of Jesus performing another miracle at a wedding he attended.

Draw a picture of Jesus and the jugs of water that he turned into wine.

Can you describe how the people around Jesus would have felt when he used his special power?


PSHE - All About Me

In today’s lesson you will be learning about yourself and what makes you special. You will use an enchanted mirror to look deep inside yourself to look at your inner qualities and know that you are as beautiful inside as you are outside.

Click here for the lesson.



See the source image



Click here to watch the fourth video 'Tens and ones'

Click here for some questions to answer.



The ‘oo’ digraph has 2 different sounds – a short sound like in the word ‘book’ and a long sound like in the word ‘moon’.

Read these words and decide if they use the short sound or the long sound.

Can you think of any other ‘oo’ words?

Write each word in a sentence.

Make sure you begin with a capital letter, end with a full stop and leave spaces between your words.

Don’t worry too much about correct spellings of other words but try to increase your independence.



Phase 5 – new sound ‘ea’

‘ea’ makes the same sound as ‘ee’

Read the following ‘ea’ words.

eat     sea     bead     meat     read     beat     heap     peas

Click here to choose your favourite phonicsplay game from the previous 3 days. Select phase 5 and ea. (login with username: jan21 and password: home)



If you can, go outside with water and a paintbrush. Use the water and brush to practise writing the phase 4 tricky words on the ground. (A squeezy water bottle works just as well.) On a sunny day, words disappear quickly—so spellers you will have to move fast!


GEOGRAPHY - Where in the World Are We?

You have all been working so hard learning about the different Continents, hot and cold countries and different habitats that animals live in all around the world. Well done!

Re-watch these two videos to remind yourself of the names of the seven Continents, this will help you with today’s task!

Click here and here.

Today we would like you to be detectives. We’d like you to look at the photographs in the PowerPoint attached (Where in the World Are We?) and try to work out where in the world the staff from Classes 1, 2 and 3 are.

This is tricky, but use what you already know and look for clues in the picture, maybe ask an adult to help you. We’d like you to name the Country we are in and then do some research either using the internet or an atlas, if you have one at home, and name the Continent that that country is in.

For example, if you thought that the photograph was taken in the rainforest in Brazil then your answer would be ‘Brazil and South America’, because Brazil is a country within the Continent of South America.

Record you answers on the attached sheet (Where in the World Are We – Answer sheet).

Challenge: give a reason for your choice. If you can’t print off then sheet, the write your guesses in your workbook. We will share the answers with you all during the 12pm Zoom session on Friday.

Just for Fun

As an additional task today, you may want to print off the attached sheet (Hot and Cold Suitcase) and sort out which suitcase would be taken to which country. Look for clues in the case!


See the source image



Click here to watch the final video 'Represent numbers to 50'

Click here for the questions to answer.


ENGLISH - Handwriting 

We follow a scheme called ‘Teach Handwriting’ and we teach the children a small group of letters at a time. The children are familiar with all of these but need to practise their letter formations as often as possible.

This week we will concentrate on the letters h, b and k.

  • Click here and go to the ‘Curves to Start – Cursive Letters’ section. Please select the letters h, b and k to watch the short demonstration that will show you how the letter is formed (start at the top).
  • Practise writing out the letters using the handwriting sheet attached at the bottom of the page. If you cannot print off the sheet then practise writing out the letters in your home workbooks. Remember to make sure your letters are all the same size!
  • Challenge: How many words can you think of that begin with each of these letters?


ENGLISH - Spellings 

Ask an adult to test you on the spellings that were set earlier on Monday. Aim to get full marks and don’t forget to use your best handwriting! We’d love to hear how you got on so please email your score over to me ([email protected]) you could even take a photograph of your spelling sheet and attach that.



This week you have learned the sounds     ay   ou   ie   ea

Can you sort these words into 4 groups with the same sound?

play     team     pies     mouth     tie     heat     stay     about     loud     peas     fried     hay     beat     spied     scout     day    











ART - Pablo Picasso and Cubism Inspired Art

You will need: two template pages (available to collect from the school conservatory or print off using the document below), coloured pencils/crayons/felt pens/pastels, scissors and glue.

Your task today is to create a piece of artwork using Cubism Art inspired by a famous artist called Pablo Picasso.

  Image result for picasso

Click here to watch a video that briefly introduces Picasso. He would use colour to show emotion so we are going to really think about the colour choices we make.

You will need to select cool colours and warm colours. Use this colour chart to help you decide which colours are cool and which colours are warm.

See the source image

Step 1 – Select a variety of warm colours and colour in the heart template.

Step 2 – Select a variety of cool colours and colour in the background page (you will not need to colour in the middle section as this will be covered up).

You may prefer to use paint, or you could even use collage techniques and layer different coloured paper or tissue paper if you have any at home.

Step 3 – Cut out the heart and stick it on top of your background page. You could then display this in your window at home.


Do you remember when we did Portraits in class at the beginning of the year? Have a go at creating your own mixed up face painting/drawing, as shown at the end of the Pablo Picasso video.


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